
Ed Schultz angry, says Obamacare decision helps Mitt Romney [VIDEO]

Jeff Poor Media Reporter
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It seems that MSNBC “The Ed Schultz” host has two speeds — angry and angrier. After Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare was handed down, many on MSNBC were ecstatic, saying that Chief Justice John Roberts decision to side with the left-end of his court was a win for America across the board.

All except for Schultz, that is. During the 11 a.m. hour on MSNBC after the announcement of the decision, he gave viewers a handful of reasons not to be too celebratory in the wake of this news.

“I think the politics of this in this campaign season makes it a heck of a lot easier for Mitt Romney,” Schultz said. “He doesn’t have to parcel out what he is for or against or even take a position. He can now just run against what he calls ‘Obamacare.’ So, the Romney campaign just got a little bit easier for him today because they can run against the whole thing. Boehner has already said they are going to have a vote to repeal it in the house July 9, which is going to be more political theater.”

Schultz continued his counterintuitive reaction by railing against opponents to Obamacare on the state level.

“But what I find interesting in all of this is that you have 26 attorneys general across the country who wanted to go after this and not one of them understood, at least it appears this way, the anti-injunction act, which says that the court cannot rule on anything taxing until the tax is collected. Now, I think this was an ideological move that went beyond by all of the AGs around the country that challenged this law because they didn’t want to see President Obama have a victory of any sort. Match that up that with the record number of filibusters and you have got total obstruction across-the-board.”

But ultimately, Schultz admitted it was a victory for the president.

“I think this is a big victory for Obama, for millions of Americans that didn’t have health insurance before, for young students who are going to be on their parents’ policy and I think this is going to be easier for the Romney camp to run towards,” he added.

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