After the grim days of the Bush era (BOOOOO!!!), it’s good to see that our Commander-in-Chief has restored the dignity and comportment of the office, making America respected once m–
Still a BFD: OFA.BO/ayPgAZ
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 29, 2012
You know what? Never mind.
DNC Staffer: “Take that, MOTHERF***ERS.” Exec Director of the DNC: “Constitutional, bitches.” President of US: “still a BFD.” #Idiocracy
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) June 29, 2012
Update: Dems are all about the New Tone.
Update: Yyyyyyyyyyep.
Update: The decision is so popular with the American public, Romney has raised only $4.2 million from 42,000 donors in the last 24 hours. Take that, wingnuts!
Update: Barack Obama, smirking liar.