
New Obama video casts GOP convention as Romney do-over

David Martosko Executive Editor
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President Barack Obama’s campaign has released a new video that tries to portray the Republican Convention in Tampa as Gov. Mitt Romney’s doomed effort to recover from various stumbles and mistakes.

The ‘do-over’ theme likely will be picked up by progressive bloggers and friendly reporters, partly because it provides a easy way for them to highlight the convention’s careful orchestration and discipline to Romney’s campaign trail exchanges.

The 106-second new video is a mash-up of movie themes — a Star Wars intro and scary-music — plus MTV-style rapid video-cuts, selected blurbs from Democrat-friendly sources, and a knowingly over-the-top script.

“He faces an election where the stakes could’t be higher … nothing is working … His only hope is a convention reinvention,” says the gravelly voiced announcer.

“Rated N, for not gonna work,” the announcer concludes.

Almost immediately, a Romney campaign ad began running on top of the video through Google, which owns YouTube

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