If you express the same opinion about gay marriage that Barack Obama used to express, before he suddenly “evolved” on the issue a little less than a year ago, you are a hateful bigot who is filled with bigoted hate.
But Obama wasn’t.
And neither are the House Democrats who still oppose gay marriage. Yes, they do exist. The Hill reports:
Eleven House Democrats are on record as opposing gay marriage, even as support within their party for the issue builds.
Another nine haven’t taken definitive positions in support of or against gay marriage…
Nine Democrats who voted in 2011 to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act that denies federal benefits to gay couples haven’t publicly changed their positions: Reps. John Barrow (Ga.), Sanford Bishop (Ga.), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Gene Green (Texas), Dan Lipinski (Ill.), Jim Matheson (Utah), Mike McIntyre (N.C.), Collin Peterson (Minn.) and Nick Rahall (W.Va.).
Another two freshmen Democrats voiced opposition to same-sex marriage during their 2012 campaigns: Reps. Bill Enyart (Ill.) and Pete Gallego (Texas).
The nine Democrats who haven’t taken a definitive position on gay marriage are Reps. Jim Costa (Calif.), Ron Kind (Wis.), Cedric Richmond (La.), Kurt Schrader (Ore.), David Scott (Ga.), Terry Sewell (Ala.), Bennie Thompson (Miss.), Pete Visclosky (Ind.) and freshman Filemon Vela (Texas).
Maybe they’re still “evolving.”
Hat tip to JWF, who asks: “So why is the media not calling these Democrats bigots and homophobes?” Of course, that question contains its own answer. They can’t possibly be bigots or homophobes, because they’re Democrats. Undoubtedly they all have good reasons for taking this stance, or failing to take one.
And if not, well… so what? It’s not like they’re Republicans. Yuck!