Commenting on Melissa Harris-Perry’s controversial “Lean Forward” ad, Jim Treacher observes, “it’s always instructive to listen to leftists when they tell you what they really ‘think.’”
One does get the sense that liberals, finally convinced they have “won” the culture war, might now be empowered to actually tell us what they really think.
Of course, if Harris-Perry were hoping to hit a nerve, she did.
Her notion that, “we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities,” is so troubling to defenders of freedom, that it played a key role in not one, but two of George Orwell’s most famous books.
That’s right, George Orwell was so worried about what Harris-Perry is advocating today, that he included it in “1984” & “Animal Farm.” That’s what my latest column for The Week is about. Read it here.