
RNC chairman, citing sequestration, asks Obama to ditch fancy meal for pizza

Patrick Howley Political Reporter
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In a statement citing the recent cancellation of White House tours, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Preibus has requested that President Obama order pizza, rather than a more expensive dinner, when he meets with Senate Republicans for a ceremonial bipartisan dinner later this week.

“I’m glad to see that as he enters his fifth year in office, President Obama is finally trying to reach across the aisle in the form of dinners with Senate Republicans,” Preibus said in a statement Tuesday. “However, I would like to offer some advice. Since the president has been complaining loudly about the cutbacks they’ve had to make at the White House—including tours for schoolchildren—due to the sequester, it only seems appropriate that they avoid the considerable security expenses of dining at an upscale restaurant.”

“Instead of eating out as the president and senators did last month, I suggest they eat in…In fact, I’d like to offer to order pizza for them and have it delivered to the White House. I know I’m not invited to dinner, but as RNC Chairman I’m happy to do my part to foster a spirit of bipartisanship if it means we can tackle the debt and deficit—and achieve real spending and tax reform,” Preibus said.

“If we’re lucky, maybe the pizza will serve to illuminate an important economic point for President Obama: instead of redistributing the slices, the best way to make everyone happy is to make the pie bigger,” he added. “It’s as true for dinner as it is for economic growth and opportunity.”

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