Rod Dreher on ‘The Little Way of Ruthie Leming’

Matt K. Lewis Senior Contributor
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Rod Dreher’s latest book, “The Little Way of Ruthie Leming” really hit home with me. It’s about a journey to find community — something I suspect more and more of us struggle with in the modern world.

“It’s just so easy when you live in a big city to get lost in your career,” he told me during our recent conversation.

As a young man, the bookish Dreher didn’t fit-in in his hometown. So he went off to become a successful journalist and work in big cities. Meanwhile his sister grew roots in their local community.

But after she died, Dreher found himself yearning to return to the small southern town — to get a sense of the community that supported Ruthie through her illness. “I believe it was time to come home,” he said. “And I believe I was able, finally, to come home.”

Listen to our conversation here:

Matt K. Lewis