
Sessions hammers Zuckerberg group on Facebook

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Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions took to Facebook Tuesday to criticize Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s immigration lobbing group FWD.us.

“The tech giant lobbying group, FWD.us, has launched a nationwide ad campaign arguing for ‘immigration reform,’ Sessions wrote on Facebook Monday. “What you won’t hear from these companies is that the ‘reform’ they have in mind is doubling the number of guest workers who are brought in each year just to fill jobs—despite high unemployment.”

POLITICO reported Monday that FWD.us is launching a mid-six figure ad buy in English and Spanish aimed a pushing immigration reform.

“Immigration reform will grow our economy, create American jobs, and do right by American families; with this new round of ads, we want to make clear to Washington that delay on critical immigration reforms is unacceptable,” FWD.us president Joe Green said in a statement to POLITICO about the ads.

Sessions on Facebook, however, said the immigration reform will hurt American workers.

“A recent article in Computerworld quoted Tufts Professor Karen Panetta warning that ‘students will face increasing competition from lower-wage H-1B workers if the federal cap on visas rises,’ Sessions wrote. “Rutgers Professor Sal Hazman warned that those under 30 will be especially hard hit. And Ron Hira, a professor at the Rochester Institute of Technology, was quoted in the same article as explaining that these visas are being ‘used very extensively for cheap labor.’

“Congress should resist the pressure from these special interests and President Obama and intensify our effort to get unemployed American workers—high and low-skilled—into these jobs,” Sessions signed his post “J.S.”

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