You Will Never Guess What Got This Lesbian Banned From The Strip Club

Aaron Bandler Contributor
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An El Segundo  woman filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court Friday against the strip club Paradise Showgirls, claiming she was discriminated against for being alone.

Tamara Yatkin, 54, was denied entry into Paradise Showgirls on June 29 last year because, according to the lawsuit, their policy is that women need a male escort in order to enter the club, saying in the past women had caused problems in the club.

The lawsuit states that Yatkin argued that she wouldn’t be a problem because “she was a lesbian who wanted to spend money and have a good time,” according to MyFoxLA.

Yatkin called Paradise Showgirls the next two weeks for a justification on the policy, only to be told that the company couldn’t be bothered, the suit alleges.

The experience left Yatkin in a state of “shock and severe fright.”

Yatkin is seeking an unknown amount in damages and an injunction to end the strip club’s policy against allowing women in without a male escort.

(h/t: The Right Scoop)

Aaron Bandler