The Mirror

Kim Kardashian Wants To Be 20 Pounds Lighter [VIDEO]

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Early this morning, around 2 a.m. West Coast time, Kim Kardashian West expressed something many women occasionally do: she’s feeling fat.

In her words on Instagram: “#FBF ughhh I am 20 lbs lighter here! This was just 5 years ago! Ok I’m going back on my grind. I gotta get back here!”

(In case you care, FBF stands for flashback Friday.)

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In July, Kardashian revealed on the reality show that she weighed 125, which is five pounds less than she weighed before she had North. Last year in late June, she went on a mission to lose 30 pounds in 30 days by enlisting the help of Gwenyth Paltrow‘s training guru Tracy Anderson. In 2010, Kardashian’s caboose was a hot topic during the White House Correspondents’ Dinner weekend parties, where guests couldn’t stop discussing that part of her anatomy. She came to the dinner that year as a guest of Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren and her husband John Coale. “Put it this way, you could play cards off it,” a TV network employee said at the time.

Instagram reaction to her newfound desire to lose more weight was largely mixed, ranging from concern to annoyance.

The Realist

“Your butt implants added like 10 pounds.”


“Don’t kill yourself to get back to that exact size Kim. Your hips naturally widen after a baby and your waist carries a bit of excess baggage that it didn’t have before but sometimes it turns into muscle. You look great – don’t stress out.”

Shut up, already 

“I love Kim, but she really should stop with all of these ‘I miss my old body’ posts. She looks beautiful now, and for her to say this still isn’t good enough is perpetuating unrealistic standards for her young fans and it’s sad. It’s understandable to have certain goals to want to attain for one’s self but to blast it all over Instagram just isn’t right, especially when you look as good as her.”