
Wasserman Schultz: Obama Is the Democrats ‘Best Asset’ [VIDEO]

Al Weaver Reporter
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It seems as though Debbie Wasserman Schultz really hasn’t gotten the memo: President Barack Obama is pretty damn unpopular.

Yet, the Democratic National Committee Chairwoman told CNN’s Jake Tapper Monday afternoon that Obama is the Democrats “best asset.”

“The president really is our best asset,” said Wasserman Schultz. “He’s our best GOTV motivator. He’s our best fundraiser…”

“But he hasn’t been deployed…” Tapper noted, as Obama has not campaigned in a single Senate contest that is considered a toss-up.

“I’ll stack up our surrogates against Republican surrogates any day,” the DNC Chair replied. “We have President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, and [the GOP has] Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Rand Paul. So we’re in good shape in terms of who’s been deployed to stump for our candidates,” she said, while opining for the umpteenth time that the Democrats will hold the Senate.

Wasserman Schultz went on to tout Obama’s “success” as president, including “55 straight months of job growth in the private sector.”

CNN’s Tapper responded by asking why more campaigns aren’t using Obama if those are indeed the facts, noting specifically Colorado Sen. Mark Udall who has been roundly criticized for running a one-issue campaign based around reproductive rights for women.