
Barkley Responds: ‘We Can’t Bring Up Slavery’ Whenever Something Bad Happens In Black Community [VIDEO]

Al Weaver Reporter
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Charles Barkley responded to a Wednesday open letter penned by “Inside The NBA” co-host Kenny Smith about Ferguson and race, saying he is upset with Smith injecting slavery into the conversation.

Appearing on 97.5 The Fanatic, a Philadelphia sports talk radio show, Barkley told host Mike Missanelli that “every time something bad happens in the black community, we can’t bring up slavery.”

Barkley: “Well, Mike, every time something bad happens in the black community, we can’t bring up slavery. I totally disagree with that. And you know, rioting doesn’t accomplish anything. And you know, to criticize me for using the word ‘scumbag’ or crooks or anything, I’m not going to get into the hyperbole over one word. But I did not like the fact that he brought up slavery. That is ridiculous to bring up slavery, there’s not a slave alive who knows anything about Michael Brown or Ferguson, Mo. I think that was disingenuous.”

“Listen man, I know that I’m black and I’m always going to be. I know anytime I disagree with black people I’m going to be a sell-out or an Uncle Tom. But I’m gonna try to always be fair, I’m going to judge everyone on their own merits. And like I said, as a black man I do understand that racism exists. It does exist. It always has and always will. And there are black racists also. I was taken back by the slavery comment.”

“He called me and asked if he could write the letter and I said ‘sure.’ I’m not offended that people disagree with me. As long as we’re having an open dialogue. We should be having an open dialogue about the cops, the black community, we clearly have to do better, we gotta do a better job of policing ourselves. I don’t blame all my ills on white folks, that’s just ridiculous.”

Later Thursday night, Smith and Barkley discussed their comments face-to-face on “Inside the NBA.”


[h/t: USA Today]