Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Monday that President Obama’s ISIS policy was in the tradition of famous appeaser Neville Chamberlain, and totally ineffective at fighting ISIS.
“President Obama is operating in the finest traditions of Neville Chamberlain, who once said, ‘We will not send our young men to a country that we have not been to and speak a language we do not know.'” McCain told host Bill O’Reilly. (VIDEO: McCain To Protesters: ‘Get Out Of Here, You Low-Life Scum’)
Chamberlain, of course, was the British prime minister who popularized and perfected the policy of “appeasement,” believing that making concession after concession would prevent a war with Nazi Germany.
McCain accused Obama of setting up a straw man when he accused conservatives of wanting to send “massive amounts of troops” to deal with ISIS. “That’s not true. What we want though is controllers, trainers, equippers, people who can help these people as we build up their military…”
“No one wants massive [amounts of] American troops, Mr. President,” he said. “But we do want troops on the ground who can make sure we can destroy ISIS. And right now there is no strategy, and there is no way that we are going to defeat ISIS.” (VIDEO: NBC Reporter: US Failing To Stop ISIS)