
Nancy Pelosi: ‘The Clintons Will Have To Answer For The Foundation’ [VIDEO]

Al Weaver Reporter
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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday that Bill and Hillary Clinton will need to answer for the donations taken in by the Clinton Foundation.

Pelosi told MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts that there’s “no question” the donation scandal “raises questions” that the former secretary of state will need to answer for. She made the remarks after Roberts asked her to respond to a New York Times story showing that former President Clinton appeared at a charity event, but only after they gave a $500,000 donation to the foundation.

THOMAS ROBERTS: There is a lot of excitement surrounding, whether it’s President Clinton in the headlines or Hillary Clinton in the headlines, but I want to show you what The New York Times says. It details how Bill Clinton appeared at a charity event last year to commemorate the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, but only after the charity paid the Clinton Foundation $500,000 for the speech. … What do you think the average American is supposed to think of Hillary Clinton going out there and fighting for the deck that she says is stacked at the top and trying to get rules back in play for the middle class Americans when her husband’s foundation is taking in half a million dollars for a single event showing?

NANCY PELOSI: Well, the Clintons will have to answer for the foundation. But I would imagine that President Clinton’s participation in that event increased the take, and the money spent at the foundation is for a very good cause as well. So it was sort of a — everyone benefited from it. But no question, it raises questions that they’ll have to answer.