Some more information has been released in regards to the shooting in Arlington, TX that the media is trying to turn into the next Ferguson. The media’s intentions should be abundantly clear in looking at the title of this AP article, and then the second paragraph of the article.
The man, legally an adult, is continually referred to as a “teen.” He was “killed at a car dealership”, not while committing multiple felonies. The cop was an old white guy while the suspect, sorry, “victim” was a young, unarmed black teen.
Yup, no agenda, no slant…
Press Conference
The Chief of the Arlington Police, Will Johnson, gave a press conference yesterday. The department, very smartly so, recorded the whole thing and put it up on their YouTube page. The Chief makes some very good points during his presentation. I wonder how many of the “news” agencies edited his conference, for time of course, and inadvertently removed some of the noteworthy points he made?
Here is the full video:
Surveillance Video
Next, the security surveillance video in full has been released. It shows everything from the moment the suspect arrives at the dealership until the cops arrive. The video covers the time frame of the shooting, but the shooting itself is not shown.
In the video, the suspect can be clearly seen committing multiple felonies. But beyond that, his behavior is bizarre. He appears to be high on something.
He can clearly be seen peeling open the broken windshield of a car with his bare hands. He then slides through the opening wearing nothing more than shorts and a t-shirt. Anyone who has even been in a car accident where a windshield was broken can attest to how windshield safety glass breaks leaving thousands of glass slivers. The suspect seems to be totally impervious to the pain caused by the glass slivers as he both peels open the windshield and then slides through it.
Here is the “full” surveillance video. I will say this in regards to the fullness: it is NOT the full video. There is no way to include all the camera angles into a single video, and the actual shooting is also not captured, so it is clearly a compilation video. Also, please note the title of the video… no agenda…
That said, here it is:
My Educated Guess
Now that I have had a chance to listen to the information the Chief of Police put out, and now that I have watched the “full” surveillance video, I have some information on which to base a semi-educated guess on what occurred. I must stress, this is ONLY A GUESS.
Based on the suspect’s behavior in the surveillance video, I am going to go out on a limb and say he was high, and likely on some sort of drug that involves pain relief or elimination.
Knowing that only two officers entered the building to apprehend the suspect, who is high and not feeling pain, I suspect they were unable to overpower him, which is why a Taser was deployed. The Taser, as is often the case when used on people high on drugs that eliminate pain, proved useless.
The two officers, one being the officer who shot, is 49 years old, and from his photos, notably not a triathlete (not intended as an insult, I’m no triathlete either), and the other is a 19 year veteran (likely putting him in his 40’s as well). The suspect, is 19 years old, and a college football defensive back. I’m betting I am pretty safe in assuming that he, the suspect, was in far superior physical shape than either of the cops. Couple that with his being high and not feeling pain, I suspect the officers were quickly on the losing end of that physical confrontation.
Going even further into educated guess territory, most car dealerships I have been in over the years have brochure racks near all the exits. Additionally, there are chairs and all sorts of other items in a dealership showroom that can be used as weapons. It is quite possible the suspect may have grabbed something to use as a weapon, and with the Taser having no effect, the next step up is the handgun.
Now, I realize all of that is nothing but my guess. But that said, my guesses in the past (*cough, Ferguson, cough*) have proven far more accurate than all of the early media reports. Take what I am saying with a grain of salt, but please do the same with the bullshit the media is spreading.
My only motivation here is the truth, what is the media’s motivation?