
Kasich: Hillary’s So Hungry To Win ‘She’ll Say Anything To Anybody’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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John Kasich blasted Hillary Clinton saying that, “She’s so hungry to try to win this thing, she’ll say anything to anybody.”

Kasich, appearing on the Hugh Hewitt Show Friday, criticized Hillary promising “everything to small groups of people,” despite the fact, “she doesn’t care how you pay for it.”

Hugh Hewitt: I want to go back, then, to something we talked about the last time you were on. I asked you about Hillary, and you said I don’t want to attack Hillary. But boy, this server is bad, Governor Kasich. This is…

John Kasich: Yeah, it, no, it is. It is. Look, we’re going to get to all that stuff, Hugh, if in fact she’s the nominee. We’re going to talk about the Foundation. We’re going to talk about the server. We’re going to talk about the fact that she just seems to go out and promise everything to small groups of people. She doesn’t care how you pay for it. She doesn’t care about the size of government. She’s so hungry to try to win this thing, she’ll say anything to anybody. But I need to spend my time getting people to understand who I am and what I’ve done.


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