
Tearful Boehner Urges Republicans, Democrats To ‘Find Common Ground’ [VIDEO]

Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Soon-to-be-former House Speaker John Boehner gifted Congress with one piece of advice during the press conference addressing his Thursday resignation: “find common ground.” (RELATED: Obama Calls Boehner Is A ‘Good Man,’ Blasts Him For Government Shutdown [VIDEO])

BOEHNER: If the Congress stays focused on the American people’s priorities, there will be no problem at all. And while we have differences between Democrats and Republicans, the goal here — as one of the leaders — is to find common ground. Listen, I talked to President Bush and President Obama this morning. I’ve talked to all my legislative leaders, who I have a very good relationship with all of them. Because at the end of the day, the leaders have to be able to work with each other, trust each other to find the common ground to get things done. So, if the Congress stays focused on what’s important to the American people, they’ll be fine.

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