
MSNBC Reporter: Clinton Campaign ‘Stuck In Negative Feedback Loop’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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MSNBC reporter Alex Seitz-Wald suggested Monday that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is “stuck in this negative feedback loop of bad numbers and bad stories.”

Appearing on “MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts,” Seitz-Wald explained, “Every time a bad story comes out, it drives down her poll numbers which then become their own negative story and further drive down her poll numbers even more. So there’s not a lot they can do, other the had on tight and try to make it through.” (RELATED: Clinton Wrecked State Department’s Post-9/11 Digital Information Security)

Thomas Roberts: We look at the latest NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll, again showing the Democratic race tightening between Clinton and Bernie Sanders. And we saw the response from the email controversy. So what are they doing to try to get the controversy behind them and as the president said their focus on what their political foundation points are?

Alex Seitz-Wald: Yeah, Thomas, well they’re stuck in this negative feedback loop of bad numbers and bad stories. Every time a bad story comes out, it drives down her poll numbers which then become their own negative story and further drive down her poll numbers even more. So there’s not a lot they can do, other the had on tight and try to make it through. Bill Clinton in a separate interview today with CNBC said that he thinks this will burn out, and he’s glad it’s happening in 2015, not 2016. But there is some relief potentially in the future for them. October 22nd, circle your calendar, that’s when Hillary Clinton is going before Congress, before the Benghazi committee to testify, and they’re hoping this will be an exhaustive, you know multi-hour conversations where she lays out everything on the emails, answers every last question, and maybe, just maybe, we can move on after that.

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