DC Trawler

Ted Cruz Calls Campus Protesters ‘Pampered Teenagers,’ But That’s Not Fair

Ted Cruz (Photo: Getty Images)

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A lot of them are in their twenties!

Ben Jacobs of the miserable, communist Guardian reports:

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz has condemned the growing wave of campus protests in the US as a product of “pampered teenagers who are scared of an idea that challenges their world view”…

Students [at Princeton] have called for the Wilson School of Public and International Affairs on campus to be stripped of the name of two-term Democratic president Woodrow Wilson because of his racism and efforts to promote segregation in the federal workforce.

“I think it is more than a little ironic that the activities are targeting a leftist progressive Democrat like Woodrow Wilson,” Cruz said. “I am not a fan of Woodrow Wilson. I think his policies did a great deal of damage to this country, but that being said I think the protesters at Princeton who are embracing this radical political correctness where they are claiming a right to be offended at anything they deem contrary to their vision of the world – that is completely antithetical to the mission of a university.”

Well, Cruz just lost the vote of all the campus protesters who would ever vote for him in a million years.

I can’t really blame these students for behaving this way. My fellow Americans: This is our fault. We’ve done such a good job of solving the problems of daily life, now college kids have to invent new ones. In the words of one of the 21st century’s greatest philosophers: Peace has cost us our strength. Victory has defeated us.

That’s why we keep seeing things like this, as reported by Peter Hasson:

A 24-year-old racial activist has been charged with creating a false public alarm after reportedly making death threats to black students and faculty at her alma mater Kean University in New Jersey.

Kayla-Simone McKelvey, a self-described race activist, reportedly used a university computer to make death threats to the black students and faculty at Kean University from a fake Twitter account.


Everybody wants to feel important. To some, that means fighting oppression. And if there isn’t any actual oppression, they’re perfectly willing to manufacture some.

Of course, racism still exists. As does sexism and classism and every other -ism. But they’re much less prevalent than they used to be, and that’s a problem for people who define themselves as victims. They don’t seem to realize that by crying wolf, they’re hurting real victims.

Or maybe they just don’t care.