The Mirror

After A Rash Of Quittings, Roll Call Promises A Brand New Pub

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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After all those copy editing and production employees up and quit last week, Roll Call is now promising a “new” publication on the horizon.

So says its Facebook page.

Word on the street is that “new” means a website redesign. “Which is funny because a lot of the people working on it quit,” a Roll Call insider told The Mirror.

Rumors are swirling that Chief Content Officer David Ellis is pretty unpopular at the Capitol Hill newspaper.

And that’s putting it nicely.

Conveniently enough, while all those employees walked, management brought in Jerry Sealy of National Geographic Traveler to be the “senior director of visualization.” Despite that being a really snotty title that seems more fitting of The New Republic or Vox than Roll Call … phew! Good job.

Just in time for all those departures.

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