Hillary Clinton had a tense confrontation with a young Somali-American voter at a campaign stop in Minnesota Tuesday.
The woman confronted Clinton about her previous 1996 comments about “super-predator” teen criminals. (RELATED: Hillary Supporters Hiss At Black Lives Matter Protestor Who Interrupts $500-Per-Person Fundraiser [VIDEO])
“Well first of all, that comment was made one time. I’ve always been in favor of young people [getting more] opportunities,” responded Clinton.
Hillary continued, “I’m happy to give you more information, and the reason so many black and [inaudible] people across the country support me is because they know me. They know what I’ve done, and they know that I mean what I say.”
The young woman pressed Clinton and Hillary brought up the support of a local Somali-American city councilman, Abdi Warsame. “You know what, dear? “You have a different opinion. He is a Somali elected to the City Council. I’m really proud of that.”
Clinton continued, “Why don’t you go run for something then?” To which the woman responded, “I’m working for a Somali-American.”
Hillary told her, “Well, good, good luck to you.”