Ben Carson is the top pick among registered Republicans and GOP-inclined independents to be Donald Trump’s potential running mate, according to a new poll.
Carson was favored by 11 percent of the roughly 2,002 people surveyed this weekend by the Morning Consult media and technology company.
[crscore]Ted Cruz[/crscore] and [crscore]Marco Rubio[/crscore] are tied with 9 percent. Chris Christie registered one point below them, and Jeb Bush was the choice of 4 percent.
“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough rated 1 percent.
Although most politicians seeking their party’s nomination for president tend to dodge questions about settling for the No. 2 spot, Carson last month told Fox Business News host Neil Cavuto that he would consider it.
“I certainly would sit down and discuss it with him,” he said. “I would have to have major philosophical alignment with whoever it was. I would have to have guarantees that I could do some substantial things.”
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders was the top favorite for Hillary Clinton’s potential running mate among 26 percent of Democratic voters surveyed. Joe Biden was second with 10 percent.
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