Student government leaders at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga have demanded one of its members resign over chalking a message on campus supporting Donald Trump.
In a message posted to Twitter early Wednesday morning, the incoming government slate called “Empower UTC” said they asked one of the participants in their coalition, Hailey Puckett, to leave student government over her pro-Trump artwork.
According to the message, Puckett’s values “do not line up with the pillars we’ve established ourselves on.”
“We do not support bigotry or hatred or the messages spread by Donald Trump’s ignorance,” the message from the student leaders said. “We do not support the mission of those who wish to spread that ignorance.”
— EMPOWER UTC (@EMPOWER_UTC) April 6, 2016
“We promised to represent you, and by you we mean everyone,” the message continued. “We will not, however, represent those who support the oppression of others. We do not ask you to forgive or forget her actions, but that you start conversations with them. We ask that you spread messages of love and inclusion to everyone you encounter.”
Empower UTC is set to take over the positions of president, vice president and secretary for student government in the upcoming school year. As apart of the ticket, Puckett won a seat as a senator just last week in campus elections. According to a source at the college, Empower UTC was considered the pro-Greek Life, conservative ticket in the race.
The removal of Puckett appears to be in response to outrage over her posting a tweet celebrating a “Trump 2016” chalk mark she helped make. Underneath the slogan, a wall was drawn.
In response to the chalk mark, incensed students began tweeting out the hashtag #BlackUTC and #BlackUnity and chalked an opposing message on campus.
One of the main proponents for the dismissal of Puckett was part of a rival student government coalition that sought to promote more diversity on campus.
Last weekend, over a hundred campuses were dotted with pro-Trump chalkings as part of a movement calling itself #TheChalkening. #TheChalkening was an effort less created to support Trump than to fight back against out-of-control campus political correctness. (RELATED: The Frat Site That Helped Ignite #TheChalkening Speaks Out)
The nationwide movement was done in response to Emory University students claiming chalk marks in support of Trump at their campus in March threatened their safety. (RELATED: Is It Now A Hate Crime To Support Donald Trump On A College Campus?)
UTC SGA president-elect Phillip Stubblefield did not a return a request for comment about his decision to ask for Puckett’s resignation, nor did Puckett herself return a request for comment by the time of publication.