
New York Teachers Boo Hillary After She Praises State’s Governor [VIDEO]

Chuck Ross Investigative Reporter
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Hillary Clinton elicited boos from members of New York’s largest teachers union after mentioning the state’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, at a campaign event held in Rochester Friday night.

At a closed-door event hosted by New York State United Teachers, Clinton praised Cuomo for supporting a $15 minimum wage in the state. But members of the 600,000 member union were not as enamored with Cuomo.

“I applaud the big step just taken under Governor Cuomo’s leadership to raise the minimum wage,” Clinton began, prompting loud boos from attendees.

“Well, now come on, come on,” Clinton responded, holding up her hands and tilting her head.

“Raising the minimum wage is a big deal in America and New York is leading the way,” she said.

“There’s other work to be done, I grant you that,” she added.

The teachers union, which is affiliated with the AFL-CIO, has hammered Cuomo over his support for teacher evaluations tied to standardized testing.

After Cuomo changed laws last year pertaining to teacher evaluations and tenure laws, the union issued a statement calling him a “vengeful governor” who is “enamored with hedge fund money.”

Clinton, who is campaigning heavily in New York ahead of its April 19 primary, has joined Cuomo at events touting a $15 minimum wage. Clinton herself does not support setting the federal minimum wage at that lofty level. She’s said she backs a $12 federal wage but thinks $15 works for states like New York and California.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s primary opponent, supports a $15 federal minimum wage.


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