
Trump Calls On Clinton To Release List Of Proposed Supreme Court Justices [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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​Donald Trump called on Hillary Clinton to release a list of people she would nominate to the Supreme Court as he has, promising it would be a “day and night” difference.

Speaking from the NRA-ILA Leadership Conference from Louisville, Kentucky on Friday, Trump said, “​I put forth a list of judges who will protect and defend all of our freedoms including the Second Amendment. The judges will follow the Constitution.” (RELATED: Clinton Supporter On Proposed Justices: ‘Makes Democrats Fear Donald Trump Even More’ [VIDEO])

“And these were all highly vetted– the Federalist Society, Heritage, some great references from [crscore]Jeff Sessions[/crscore], a fantastic man, from Mitch and from a whole group of people and we put down 11,” Trump said. Adding, “I’ll be adding some additional names over a period of the next month or so sometime prior to the convention.”

“I think you will be very happy with” the additional names he will be proposing to fill Supreme Court vacancies, Trump said. Adding, “It’s been reviewed incredibly well… And I thought I’d do that because I really think it brings the party together,” Trump said. (RELATED: Krauthammer: Trump’s Supreme Court Picks ‘Will Have A Dramatic Effect’ On GOP Unity)

“Now, I’d like to call for Hillary Clinton to put together a list also. Okay? Let her put together a list because I’d like to see what that lists consists of,” Trump said. “And you will see, it’s day and night, okay, day and night. And it will not be good for the people in this room and it won’t be good by the way for the people of our country, most importantly.”

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