
Ann Coulter Tells Daily Caller Reporters To Consider Landscaping Career If Trump Loses [VIDEO]

Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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Ann Coulter sat down with The Daily Caller Wednesday to express her concern that “the country will be over” if Donald Trump is not elected president.

“I’m sorry, boys, your career in politics will be over” if someone other than Trump wins, Coulter said while promoting her upcoming book “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome.”

“I’ll be writing mysteries. I don’t know what you want to do,” the conservative author said. “You can’t go to medical school because of Obamacare. I don’t know. Do you like landscaping?”

She then got more serious and said with Hillary Clinton’s proposed immigration policies “the whole country becomes California. Republicans never win another presidential election.”

“I keep joking about immigration: ‘Oh, I’m a single-issue voter.’ It’s not a single issue. It’s every issue. You lose everything if you lose immigration, and there is only one candidate who would talk about it.”

Conservative writer Pat Buchanan has expressed his concerns that Western Civilization is already over. Coulter is a little more optimistic.

“It’s going to be a long haul. Obviously Western Europe is finished. Oh well. Learn from them, America.”