
Trump: Instead Of Tweeting As President, I’ll Be Talking To Veterans On The Phone [VIDEO]


Steve Guest Media Reporter
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As part of his plan to take care of veterans, Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he will set up a phone in the White House where people who have issues with the VA can call, adding, “This will take the place of Twitter.”

Appearing at the VFW National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, Trump said, “I will create a private White House hotline. This could keep me very busy at night folks. This will take the place of Twitter.”

“A lot of truth to that,” Trump added. Continuing with the prepared remark, Trump said that the phone will be “answered by a real person 24 hours a day to make sure that no valid complaint about the VA ever falls through the cracks.”

Adding that the “tough part” will come when he will “instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not acted upon, then the issuer, who brought it directly to me– an I want to have it– will bring it directly to me and I will pick up the phone personally and get it completed and get it taken care of.”


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