
House Minority Whip Gives Nonsensical Answer To Why Hillary Doesn’t Seem ‘Delightful’ [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer gave a nonsensical answer Thursday when asked why Hillary Clinton is unable to “project” a “delightful” personality.

Appearing on CNN’s “America’s Choice 2016, referring to Vice President Joe Biden’s speech, host Carol Costello said, “There was one line that particularly stood out to me. He said you know, they call me middle class Joe. I know what that means. It means I’m not sophisticated. I know what it means, right. Why can’t Hillary Clinton capture just an iota of the essence of that?”

“Well, I think she’ll capture an essence of that. And I think frankly, the message yesterday was Hillary Clinton’s whole life from teenager to today has been working on behalf of the middle class. Now, Hillary Clinton’s personality is Hillary Clinton’s personality. When you’re with her personally, she is delightful.”

“Everybody says that,” Costello replied.

“It is the fact,” Hoyer replied.

“But why is she unable to project that when she speaks publicly,” Costello followed up.

Hoyer replied, “Frankly, I — maybe it is because I know her, therefore you know somebody and so the projection is you know what is there. And I think she’ll do that. But really, this is not about personality. This is not about how you project Donald Trump can be as bombastic as he wants and you know all that.”

“But so you say it is not about personality,” Costello replied. “But it really is. isn’t it? Of course it is.”

“I know what you mean, sure, yeah, you have to connect with people,” Hoyer replied. “And that’s why Bill Clinton is so–

Costello added, “Right. They have to trust you to fight for them, they have to believe you’re genuine.”

“Sure,” Hoyer replied. “But they ought to look at the facts. And that is what Obama said last night. That’s what Kaine said last night of Hillary Clinton. That’s what Biden said. And that’s what Bloomberg said. The whole pitch was, look, Hillary Clinton has done this for over four decades. This is not a speech for her. This is her life. This is her commitment. And frankly, that ought to count for something that you just don’t talk. You do. You do the walk.”

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