
Jerry Lewis Returns To Big Screen In ‘Max Rose.’ Watch The Trailer [VIDEO]

Brandon Katz Contributor
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Jerry Lewis is making his big screen comeback with his first theatrical role in more than 25 years in the upcoming “Max Rose.” You can check out the first trailer for the film below.

Lewis plays retired jazz pianist Max Rose. Though Max may not have reached the heights of fame he had hoped for, the continued loving support of his Eva (Claire Broom) has made him feel like a winner all these years.

After her tragic passing, Max finds a love note from another man in her belongings, throwing his vision of their perfect marriage into a cloudy mess. In an attempt to regain control of his life and understand what happened, Max decides to confront Ben (Dean Stockwell), the man who “stole” his wife.

The film also stars Kevin Pollak, Kerry Bishe, Mort Sahl, Illena Douglas, Rance Howard and Lee Weaver.

The film is scheduled to open nationwide in October.

Brandon Katz