
Poll: Trump Gets His Support From White Protestants


Alex Pfeiffer White House Correspondent
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A national poll out Thursday shows Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by double-digits. The poll also breaks down support by religion and finds that white Protestants are Trump’s most supportive demographic.

The Public Religion Research Institute found that Clinton leads nationwide among registered voters with 48 percent, Trump follows with 35 percent and two percent backed Libertarian Gary Johnson. This poll, unlike others, broke down support for each candidate by registered voters’ religious preferences.

Trump’s support is strongest among white evangelical Protestants. Sixty-two percent of them back Trump and 23 percent support Clinton. Trump also leads among white mainline Protestants with 47 percent. Clinton follows at 37 percent.

Clinton leads with every other religious group polled — Catholics, black Protestants, and “unaffiliated.” PRRI did not poll Jews or Muslims. Clinton leads among Catholics, in general, 55 percent to 32 percent. Among white Catholics, the Democrat nominee is ahead with 44 percent, while Trump follows with 41 percent.

Clinton has a massive lead among non-white Catholics, 76 percent to 13 percent. Among black Protestants, Clinton leads 89 percent to 2 percent and she leads among “unaffiliated” 56 percent to 24 percent.

PRRI also polled registered voters who attend religious services at least once a month. They found that just 22 percent of voters have heard about the election from clergy. There is a split here among party affiliation and race. Thirty-two percent of Democrats have heard about the election from clergy, compared to just 19 percent of Republicans. Just 16 percent of white voters have heard about the election at a religious service, compared to 51 percent of black voters that have.