This November, Abortion Is On The Ballot


Marjorie Dannenfelser President, Susan B. Anthony List
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Tonight’s Vice Presidential debate at Longwood University in Virginia will showcase the clear choice voters have on November 8 when it comes to protecting innocent unborn children and their mothers: Governor Mike Pence, a proven leader with a long track record of standing up for those who cannot defend themselves, or Senator Tim Kaine, who has abandoned the most vulnerable – and his own principles – to advance his political career.

The two candidates will face-off for 90 minutes on issues that will greatly affect generations of Americans. Whether or not Life comes up in the debate, there can be no greater contrast on any issue between the campaigns.

Sen. Kaine, a Catholic, says he’s “personally” pro-life but has refused to stand up for these personal convictions, deferring to Clinton’s radical pro-abortion position. Kaine previously supported the Hyde Amendment – a 40-year-old consensus policy prohibiting taxpayer-funded elective abortion under Medicaid – but flip-flopped while vying for the VP spot this summer. Kaine publicly said he was against the repeal plan, but soon after the Clinton campaign leaked that Kaine had privately changed his position to support repealing the Hyde Amendment. Appearing on CNN with Jake Tapper in August, Kaine repeated his “personal” opposition to the amendment’s repeal, but added, “I had to get comfortable with the notion that I can have my personal views but I’m going to support the president of the United States, and I will.”  Kaine has yet to be asked how his “personal” opposition would come into play if he were needed to, as vice president, cast a tie-breaking vote in the U.S. Senate.

There is no daylight between Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton. Their administration would fully support abortion on demand at any point during pregnancy, up until the moment of birth, all at taxpayers’ expense. Gov. Mike Pence, on the other hand, has been an unfailing advocate for women and the unborn since he began his public service. His personal understanding of the sanctity and dignity of human life has only strengthened with each passing political campaign.

The Trump/Pence ticket is one of the most pro-life in history. They have committed to preserving the Hyde Amendment, appointing pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, signing the 20-week Pain Capable legislation into law to end gruesome, late-term abortion, and to defunding the nation’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood.

Just last week Pence explained the Republican ticket’s commitments to protect Life at an event in Iowa:

“A President Donald Trump will advance the cause of life. We will sign into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, ending late-term abortions in America….we will not repeal the Hyde Amendment… we recognize that it’s simply morally wrong to take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use it to fund abortion. We will work to make the Hyde Amendment a permanent part of American law and American policy. And Donald Trump and I believe the largest abortion provider in America should not be the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X. We will work to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all and redirect those resources to women’s health clinics in our cities that do not promote abortion.”

The choice for Americans on the Life issue could not be more clear this election. With the lives of millions of women and children on the line, it is important that we stand with Donald Trump and Governor Mike Pence in November.