Amazon Casually Tweeting ‘It’s Like A Blanket With Pants’ Like It’s Normal Is Your Dose Of Ridiculous For The Day

Photo via Amazon

Jack Kocsis Director of Commerce
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I follow Amazon on Twitter. That is typically a good outlet for finding deals I can share with you for the Daily Dealer. After all, Amazon often uses its Twitter account to make its 2.4 million followers aware of notable deals of the day.

And then this happens:

The link takes you to the product pictured, a product officially known as “Footsie Fleece Blanket with Foot Pockets – Blue by Jml.” Amazon’s description is not wrong. It is “like a blanket with pants.” But why on earth is Amazon tweeting it out? Zero people want this. You know how I know? Because zero people have reviewed it. This itself is not surprising, when you consider that fact that it costs $78.62! If you went ahead and purchased that, it would have to be the worst $78.62 you spend in your entire life. If a market for blankets with pants existed, then you would see folks chilling on their sofas couched in sleeping bags. You know how often you see that? Never. Not once have you ever seen that. And not once will you ever see that.

Why did Amazon tweet that out at 1:42 pm EST this afternoon? Beats me. Maybe their social media intern got a head start on thirsty Thursday. Maybe the tweeter is related to the CEO at EVERRISE SUN, the retailer selling the $78 footsie fleece blanket. Maybe Amazon put it out there to bait someone like me into writing about it, thereby bringing more attention to their company. All of these are possible. Whatever the reason, I guarantee you no one wrote that up expecting it to drive conversions. That would be ridiculous.