The Mirror

New York Times Writes Hillary Erotica [VIDEO]

Carlos Barria/Reuters.

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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If Michael Barbaro ever wants to leave the New York Times, the Yale graduate may have a future in porn.

In what can be described as Hillary Erotica, he described a recent rally in Pembroke Pines, Fla. much like a female orgasm.

Even the headline screams sex: “In 1 Unscripted Moment, Hillary Clinton Finds Joy in the Rain.”

“The moment lasts about 45 seconds. 

But in it, so much of the cautious stagecraft that surrounds and inhibits Hillary Clinton appears to break away. Mrs. Clinton, pelted by a driving rain and seemingly overcome by exhaustion, exhilaration and a swirling wind, lets loose with her hands and relinquishes her script. 

…Her arms thrust skyward, one after the other, in what starts to feel like a dance. There’s an unfamiliar sense of abandon and joy. 

The rain grows heavier. Her wet clothes turn a shade darker. She cracks a wide smile. She takes in the scene around her and laughs before she finishes her sentence.

She’s drenched now, her voice hoarse. The storm is mussing her hair. It’s time to leave the stage. But just before doing so, she turns and raises both arms, giving herself up to the storm and the moment — and the looming end of this adventure.”

According to a bio on the Hamden Hall Country Day School website, Barbaro’s “specialty is “intimate portraits of the powerful.”

And yes, this sure sounds intimate.

Barbaro has a history of being a little quirky in his thinking. For example, during the Benghazi hearings in 2015, he committed an incredible journalistic faux pas when he openly wondered why C-SPAN had distinct call-in lines for Republicans and Democrats.

“CSPAN screen encouraging Democrats to call one phone number and Republicans to call another to react to this hearing is….telling,” he wrote on Twitter, apparently not realizing that the network has been doing this for nearly four decades.

Even The Atlantic’s seasoned and always professional James Fallows couldn’t fathom how he could have observed this. He called him out, saying, “Except that is how they have done it FOR YEARS AND YEARS.”

Watch the video below. If you weren’t actually there, from Barbaro’s porn writing, you just might think that the Democratic presidential hopeful was having an orgasm.

A Washington journalist remarked to The Mirror, “This is disturbing.”

Another told me, “Really could have gone without learning about Barbaro’s old-woman-in-the-rain fetish.”

And still another asked, “Think he imagines himself and Clinton in place of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook scene?”

A female journalist had advice about his use of the word “thrust.” She said, “Clinton body parts and the word ‘thrust’ should never be in the same sentence. Ever.”

Heavy Downpour Cuts Clinton’s Only Saturday Event Short [VIDEO]