
Melania Trump Keeps To Herself, Which Makes Her A Perfect First Lady

Todd Harrison Calvert Fashion Stylist
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Seldom seen, she is groomed to within an inch of her life even when not on public display at her husband’s side.   Always fastidiously and elegantly dressed, even to pick her young son up at school.   Facial expressions and body language seldom betray what she is feeling.  She stays above politics, and remains reclusive except for rare appearances.  While not exactly being the typical car pool  Mom, she manages to exemplify motherhood at its best.  For Melania Trump, this is the world of her own creation… And these traits may make her the perfect First Lady during these troubled times, even as some say she could be doing more.

For decades, we have grown ever more critical of the role of First Lady.  Eleanor Roosevelt, the stalwart pillar of early women’s right, was under fire accepting paid endorsements of consumer products.  Much loved Jaqueline Kennedy was criticized for the amount that she spent on clothes, while admired for her fashion sense.

Pat Nixon may have been the role model for Hilary Clinton by showing the world how to stand by your man in the face of grave adversity, and was long lamented for it.  The pressures of the FLOTUS role led Betty Ford to the bottle, even though she was later acclaimed for speaking out about her troubles and becoming an advocate for substance abuse.  Roselyn Carter found herself in the center of controversy by attending Cabinet meetings and her influence in national policy. Later Hilary came under fire when she took a West Wing office next to the Oval.  Criticizing and politicizing the First Lady has become an American sport of choice.

Just barely three months into the Make America Great Again administration, Mrs. Trump has been criticized for 1.) Remaining in New York City while her 11-year-old son Barron finishes school and the costs associated with it, 2.) Remaining at the President’s side when liberals have portrayed her to be unhappy, and 3.) Well, there really is not a number 3, is there?

Please allow me to defend Mrs. Trump’s decision to remain in NYC for the duration of the school year.  First and foremost, this was a decision was not reached lightly.  Both parents, in this case, realized that it would be difficult for young Barron to be away from the father that he adores and admires.  However, they felt it was important for Barron to complete the school year where he started.  As any parent knows, change is not easy on children, and moving to a new school may be the most traumatic for a child.  Furthermore, both the Obama’s and the Clinton’s considered such an arrangement.  Had it not been for Hilary’s own political ambitions, and Mrs. Obama’s mother who made the move to the White House, both families may have stayed in their native school districts for a few more months.

Now let’s discuss Mrs. Trump’s decision to stick it out with the President.  First and foremost, Mrs. Trump has publicly declared that she loves The Donald.  The President himself, along with his adult children, defends the First Lady consistently.  People should not misconstrue the ability to maintain a poker face while her husband is being mowed into the ground by the media and liberal attackers as not being happy.  Throughout history, there are countless ladies that have done the same, regardless of their sleeping arrangements.  That brings me to another subject: whose business is it anyway?  Don’t forget that Hilary often banished Bill to another bedroom due to his publicly displayed infidelities.  In fact, had President Clinton not lied under oath to Congress, his infidelities would be none of our business since sleeping around on your wife does not affect public policy.  After all, we allowed Kennedy and Johnson to get away with it without a single mention in public until fairly recently.

The bottom line is this:  Many Americans are going to be unhappy when she does, more unhappy when she doesn’t.  It is unfortunate that a cantankerous and spiteful minority always grabs the spot lights and headlines.   For anything and everything!  Can nothing be positive anymore?

Mrs. Trump’s every step is scrutinized, every lock of hair  becomes fodder for late night comedians, every smile diagnosed and twisted into a meme.  All of this as her 11-year-old son watches and listens to it.  All while she is still expected to carry out the role of First Lady of the United States with practiced ease.

The fact that Mrs. Trump stays out of the political fray, is seldom seen or heard from, and always looks the part that we expect may make her the most perfect First Lady in modern history.  It is important to remember that the title of First Lady comes with no official role, no salary, and tons of baggage to carry.  It also comes with tremendous influence and power, along with what many see as “perks”… if you believe that living under a microscope and constant attacks on your husband and family a “perk.”

From Azrael to Zang Toi, Melania Trump is the best dressed First Lady since Nancy Reagan and Jackie Kennedy.  Her choices are sleek, refined, and demure.  In her stiletto heels, perfect coif, and signature Gucci sunglasses, Mrs. Trump exemplifies the role of First Lady.  Gone are the loud, overdone florals, outrageous and under fitting metallic gowns, and black leggings chosen  by some recent former first ladies.  Back in vogue is Washington DC elegance that has not been seen since Nancy Reagan.

Rather than criticizing Mrs. Trump for her husband’s policies, fashion designers should be embracing the First Lady as a global ambassador of American Fashion. The industry bemoans the importation of $80 billion of foreign fashion products  into US stores while exporting only $6 billion, a serious trade deficit. Here is the chance to have a walking billboard for American fashion designs and products.  If Tom Ford does not like Mrs. Trump’s Gucci sunglasses, he should send her a pair from his own label.

By choosing to put young Barron first,  Mrs. Trump made a decision that is her most controversial.  At heart this should be a decision that other parents make.  In these days of assuming that  shopping malls, video games and theme parks are the modern-day baby sitter and teacher, the American family may have gone south for a permanent winter.  When I was growing up, we had “safe places” as well… They were called the family dinner table, family vacations, Sunday morning church with the family, and the out-of-doors.  These safe places are not known to the snowflakes of today, and America is worse off for it.  Yet we criticize a First Lady for putting her child and family first, before her own or her husband’s ambitions.  Eventually Americans will respect and see the value of her decision.

By staying out of the political mess that is Washington DC, regardless of which side you stand on, Melania Trump is positioning herself to be one of the most powerful voices in America, the most influential First Lady in history.  By staying silent on policy, she can allow herself to be heard more loudly and clearly when she does speak on matters that are important to her.

Mrs. Trump stands for the immigrants that so many are fighting for. Mrs. Trump stands for those that feel disenfranchised by the political system.  Mrs. Trump stands for the children of America that are clamoring for attention, love and support while often being ignored at home.  Mrs. Trump even stands for the fashion industry that has turned a blind eye to her.

From atop her Trump Tower mountain, Mrs. Trump will emerge as a force to be reckoned with.  From behind the marble veneer as strong as Michelangelo’s Pieta,  FLOTUS will command attention due to her sheer reticence and strength of character.  From behind Gucci clad eyes, Mrs. Trump’s voice will be heard round the world.

Todd Harrison Calvert is a noted fashion stylist from Louisville, Kentucky.  With his roots in the equestrian industries that hail from the Bluegrass state, Calvert has an international clientele that includes Hollywood stars and royalty.