The Mirror

Study Concludes That Trump Is Physically Hot

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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A professor at the University of Helsinki must be blind. That, or he likes men whose hair can double as a nesting place for birds.

In a new study, Jan-Erik Lonnqvist, a social psychology prof at the Swedish School of Social Science, says President Trump‘s political prowess may be a result of how, um, physically attractive he is. Tell that to his model wife, Melania, who reportedly won’t sleep in the same bed as her husband. The Oregonian published the study’s findings Monday. A statement for the study was released in late March. The study was published in a journal caller Personality and Individual Differences.

The basic premise is that conservative voters prefer their political candidates to be attractive. On the other hand, the study says that liberal scholars are more physically appealing than conservative scholars. And still, on the other other hand, it says conservative scholars are “better groomed.”

“The fact that Left-leaning scholars are perceived as better-looking is no cause for alarm,” Lönnqvist said. “What is worrying, however, is the high degree of importance attached to looks in political elections.”

The prof also says right-wing constituents aren’t too smart.

“One possible reason for the greater influence of looks on Right-wing constituents could be that they are less informed. Previous research has also shown that conservative voters have a more concrete, perhaps less sophisticated way of thinking,” Lönnqvist said.

The Oregonian writer called the study’s methodology “squishy.”

The study insists that conservatives are not better looking than liberals. But it does indicate that conservative candidates are more fetching than their liberal counterparts.