Daily Caller News Foundation

Planned Parenthood Reveals Shocking Number Of Abortions Performed In A Year

REUTERS/Rick Wilking

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Amber Randall Civil Rights Reporter
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Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions from 2015-2016, according to the abortion group’s latest report.

Planned Parenthood released its annual report this week detailing the abortions, adoption referrals, pregnancy tests and other services at the clinics. Unsurprisingly, the group performed an overwhelming amount of abortions in comparison to its adoption referrals.

While the group aborted 328,348 unborn babies, they only handed out 2,889 adoption referrals — essentially for every 114 abortions Planned Parenthood performed, the group only gave one adoption referral.

The group praised themselves in the report, saying they had “weathered storms” but were still able to exist for 100 years.

“We have been here for 100 years, and we’ve been fighting for reproductive health care and rights since day one. We’re going to be here for another 100 years — and then some — and though the path forward isn’t an easy one, ours never has been,” they said in the report.

Planned Parenthood also gave out 1,079,836 pregnancy tests, 3,559,075 STI tests for men and women and 654,218 HIV tests, the annual report maintained.

“In 2015, nearly 650 Planned Parenthood health centers served 2.4 million women, men, and young people. And we’re providing accurate health information and high-quality health care in more innovative ways than ever before,” the group claimed.

Planned Parenthood was forced earlier this month to shut down four clinics in Iowa after Republican Gov. Terry Branstad signed a bill that allowed the state to give up Medicaid funding so the state could come up with its own family planning network. (RELATED: Planned Parenthood Closes Four Clinics In Iowa)

The state would instead spend approximately $3.3 million on community health clinics that help the less fortunate, but don’t offer abortions.

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