DC Trawler

De Blasio To The Environment: Eat My SUV Exhaust

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Like Glenn Reynolds always says: “I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.” That goes for pretty much everything I’m supposed to worry about these days, but especially globalchange climatewarming.

Take it away, Warren Wilhelm, Jr. Rich Calder, NY Post:

Mayor de Blasio tried to portray himself Friday as a champion of the environment, announcing plans to ban plastic bags, beef up enforcement of idling vehicles and take other steps to lower emissions.

But he didn’t have an answer when asked to explain why he needs to get driven regularly in a gas-guzzling SUV from Gracie Mansion to Park Slope just so he can exercise at the local Y.

“The issue is not cheap symbolism,” the testy mayor replied.

Practicing what you preach is now “cheap symbolism.” Making the same sort of sacrifice you keep scolding everybody else for refusing to make, that’s “cheap symbolism.” Acting like the crisis is actually a crisis is “cheap symbolism.”

I’d hate to see his idea of symbolism that’s expensive!

I can’t wait till this guy runs for president. If he thinks New Yorkers hate him, wait’ll he tries to sell himself to the rest of the country.