The Mirror

Afternoon Mirror: CNN’s Kaczynski Is Public Mortal Media Enemy #1

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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“The line is being misinterpreted. It was intended only to mean we made no agreements/the man about his identity.”

–B.S. line of defense from CNN’s resident cat lover Andrew Kaczynski on threatening the dude who recently posted the Trump-CNN attack video on Reddit.

From his story (no links for losers):

“CNN is not publishing ‘HanA**holeSolo’s’ name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.”


Elizabeth Arden takes pot shot at Trump in makeup bag promotional 

In “5 Glamorous Summer Rules,” Elizabeth Arden makes a plug for female leaders. The accompanying bag of goodies includes ceramide capsules (don’t ask), boosting cleanser, moisturizing lotion, skin renewal booster and “grand entrance” mascara. Price tag: $35 with your $49 purchase. Total: $84.




Rob Reiner slams Trump on 4th of July

“As we celebrate 241 yrs. of this great experiment, we pray our cherished democracy withstands most ignorant & corrupt POTUS in US history.” — Rob Reiner, Hollywood filmmaker.

Gateway Pundit White House correspondent blasts CNN

“Apratenly [sic] finding the guy who made a meme is more important than possible nuclear war with North Korea or health care…” — Lucian Wintrich, White House correspondent, Gateway Pundit.

Ditto for Breitbart‘s California editor…..

“So @CNN is blackmailing a source. Wonder if @brianstelter will defend @KFILE doing that. What a way to spend the 4th.” — Joel Pollak, Breitbart News‘s California bureau senior editor-at-large.

Ditto for Washington Examiner‘s T. Becket Adams

“What the hell were you thinking, CNN?” — Adams. Read his hit piece here.

Positive Inspirations: Starring Renée Baio

“Resist this assholes! Proud to be an American!”

She posted that eloquent tweet with the following photograph of herself:












IJR is relieved it hasn’t done anything stupid lately

“You really should have taken my advice and had that beer, @CNN. Appalling. #CNNBlackmail” — IJR editor Michelle Ray.

Should CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski resign?

“Hey @KFILE. Need some help drafting your apology and/or letter of resignation?” — Arthur Schwartz, government affairs, policy, crisis management.

Journo pities dogs on the 4th of July 

“tbh I just feel bad for all the scared dogs during the fireworks.” — Joe Perticone, freelance writer, formerly with IJR.

Peritcone is already sick of ‘HanAssholeSolo’ — the Reddit scoundrel– who emerged Wednesday: “HanAssholeSolo is easily this season’s worst character and his story arch is being dragged on way too long.”

Deep Thoughts On Patriotism With “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. …I have felt blessed to be an American every day of my life. I hope one day that every American feels the same.” –MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

Convo Between Two Media Types

President Trump: “Will be speaking with Italy this morning!”

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell: “No you won’t. You’ll be speaking to a person whose name you don’t know or can’t spell.”

Big League Politics’ EIC Patrick Howley says his site has been called ‘Breitbart’s Little Brother’

“Anger. Division. Hatred. Nationwide distrust of those with different points of view. These things are not just entertaining and useful for petty web traffic. They also form the conditions for some amazing political writing. Say what you will about Big League Politics, but no one can accuse of slouching towards Bethlehem when it comes to the literary craft. I usually compare myself to the small-time grocer in ‘The Front’ who gets paid to put his name on scripts by the best blacklisted writers of the 1950’s. We’ve been accused of being conspiracy theorists, elitists who care more about our own writing pedigree than mainstream America, ‘far right,’ a ‘Fringe blog,’ Soviet agents, inhuman monsters, and, most egregiously of all, ‘Breitbart’s little brother.’ But no one has ever accused us of being boring.”

Patrick Howley, editor, Big League Politics, formerly a reporter for Breitbart News, The Daily Caller and Washington Free Beacon.