DC Trawler

Good News: Obama Is Back

Obama Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla

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That’s what I’m being told, anyway. Obama is back! Which is weird, because he never went away. For the past six months, he hasn’t taken the opportunity afforded him by stepping down from office: the opportunity to shut up. And the Republicans should be glad. The more Obama talks, the better their electoral prospects become.

Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico:

Barack Obama will make the first official political move of his post-presidency on Thursday, headlining a private fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee at a private home in Washington…

Obama oversaw massive losses for his party in state legislatures and in the House during his presidency, but has said tackling redistricting is a major political priority after leaving the White House.

I’m glad he’s doing this, because the more he scolds us about how he thinks things should be, the more people vote for his opponents. The Dems are 0-4 for the year, and it’s not because people haven’t been getting enough Obama.

The same goes for Hillary Clinton and her surrogates, particularly her daughter, and all the rest of the Democrats. I hope they never shut up. They already talked themselves out of the White House. If they keep it up, before you know it President-For-Life Pence will be establishing gay conversion therapy camps on Mars and all the women will be wearing Handmaid’s Tale outfits and it’ll be glorious.

Keep yappin’, Barry!