
NFL Teams Get Trolled By The Dictionary On Twitter

(Photo by Hannah Foslien/Getty Images)

Jena Greene Reporter
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In a rare twist of events, the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary silenced a spat between NFL teams on Twitter, coming out as the clear winner.

The Twitter feud – which has been going on for several days – began when the Colts tweeted out a photo to amp up fans for the upcoming season:

The Titans apparently took offense to the photo and word choice, claiming they were first to use it:

Then the Vikings got into it, tweeting a photo of them using the word “forge” with their time stamps highlighted:

But the Colts fired back, unimpressed with the time stamps:

Finally the person running the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary had enough of it already.

Oddly, all Twitter accounts fell silent after this. Chalk one up for the dictionary, headquartered in none other than Massachusetts. Let’s hear it for the New England educational system.