FedEx Backs Away From NRA: Restrict ‘Assault Weapons’ To Military

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Jena Greene Reporter
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FedEx has been under increasing pressure to disassociate its close ties with the NRA after several large companies like Delta, United, Enterprise and MetLife have done in the wake of the Parkland, FL shooting earlier this month.

And while the company hasn’t overtly announced it will break ties with the National Rifle Association, it released a Twitter statement on Monday evening indicating the shipping behemoth is at least leaning that direction.

“FedEx Corporation’s positions on the issues of gun policy and safety differ from those of the National Rifle Association (NRA). FedEx opposes assault rifles being in the hands of citizens,” the statement said. “FedEx views assault rifles and large capacity magazines as an inherent potential danger to schools, workplaces, and communities when such weapons are misused. We therefore support restricting them to the military.”

Pressure mounted on the company to address its relationship with the NRA after Marjory Stoneman High School shooting survivor David Hogg called FedEx out for their support of the association.

Currently, FedEx offers shipping discounts to members of the NRA. It has not announced plans to end the relationship despite its harsh criticism of current gun laws.

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Tags : fedex nra
Jena Greene