
China Is Now Using Men In Military Uniforms To Stop Public Affection At Colleges

China (Credit: Shutterstock)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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China has apparently had enough of public affection on college campuses.

Binzhou Vocational College in the eastern Shandong province of China now has men in military uniforms watching and policing students who might be thinking about stealing a quick kiss.

The Telegraph reported the following on the situation:

A college official said the squads were responsible for clamping down on a range of “inappropriate behaviour”, including smoking and dropping litter. 

But many in China were outraged that they have also been given powers to warn couples against showing public affection, and to threaten them with being named and shamed for their behaviour.

Many in China – particularly older generations – are deeply conservative, and public affection is rare in the country.

It might be the unpopular opinion here, but I’m loving this move by China. Everybody, and I mean absolutely everybody, hates public displays of affection. Nothing is worse than walking to class and having to witness that garbage.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to race to class when you’re on a small sidewalk and there’s a couple holding hands in front of you? It’s the worst. Every terrible day I ever had in college always started because I was walking behind slow walkers, and the vast majority of slow walkers are couples.

Props to China. I hate just about everything about their country and communism, but this is one move I’m willing to get behind.

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