
Johnny Manziel Reportedly Almost Being On ‘Dancing With The Stars’ Is Absurd

(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Johnny Manziel was reportedly extremely close to appearing on the hit television show “Dancing with the Stars.”

The Blast reported the following:

According to our sources, Manziel and his team had been in talks with the show for several weeks about taking part in the show. We’re told producers had informally chosen Manziel and planned on moving forward with him.

But after further conversation, our sources say the show ultimately decided Manziel was “too controversial” and chose to exclude him from the cast.

I thought the guy who told me this in the office was kidding when I heard it. Let’s assume for the sake of argument that this is 100 percent true and accurate. I don’t see a reason to believe it’s not, which is concerning for a bunch of different reasons.

You can’t be focused on a football comeback and be on “DwtS” at the same time. It just doesn’t work that way. I hate to say it, but I’m simply stating facts.

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I’m a big Johnny Football guy, and have been since his days at A&M. Having said all of that, he’s got some really bad advisors if anybody told him he should be on a dancing show in the middle of a football comeback. I don’t watch the show, I know people do, it’s a popular show but there’s a time and a place for everything.

Being on a television show while trying to get pro teams to take your comeback seriously isn’t the time or the place.

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