Multiple journalists circulated a conspiracy theory on Twitter that a document from the Department of Homeland Security contained a Nazi code Thursday.
This is an actual story on an official government website with a 14-word headline starting with “we must secure”. This is not an accident. There are actual Nazis-who-call-themselves-Nazis at DHS.
— Laurie Voss (@seldo) June 28, 2018
There are 14 points in the article, and the final point contains the number “88” for no good reason — 88 is also a Nazi dog whistle for “Heil Hitler”. There is absolutely no doubt now that this article is intentionally a signal to Nazis.
— Laurie Voss (@seldo) June 28, 2018
This headline is so terrifying that I called my congressional rep (Pelosi) to ask what they intend to do about it. Clearly they haven’t heard about it. Call your rep and make a fuss about this. This is horrifying.
— Laurie Voss (@seldo) June 28, 2018
This is really, really creepy
— Joe Bernstein (@Bernstein) June 28, 2018
— Marlow Stern (@MarlowNYC) June 28, 2018
“14 words,” for those who don’t know, is neo-Nazi code
— Ishaan Tharoor (@ishaantharoor) June 28, 2018
Thread on some very disturbing signals being sent from DHS. Like the white power hand symbols and the “accidental” retweeting of white supremacist memes, these should always be called out. That they’re coming from inside the government should scare us all.
— Christina Reynolds (@creynoldsnc) June 28, 2018
The tweets reference a press release from DHS titled “We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again” and was released in February, garnering little attention until recently. The conspiracy in question relates to a white supremacist slogan that contains what is commonly known as the “Fourteen Words” — “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
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