
Trump Explains What Happens When Members Of Congress Talk Badly About Him

Fox News 8/4/2018

Mike Brest Reporter
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President Trump explained what happens to members of Congress who talk negatively about him, while speaking at a rally in Ohio on Saturday evening.


The president was discussing his nominee to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh, and how Republicans need every member of the party to vote in the affirmative to get him confirmed.

“How do you get 100 percent of anything. You know, you always have somebody ‘I don’t like Trump,’ ‘I don’t like our president,’ ‘he destroyed my career.’ I only destroyed a career because they said bad things about me and you fight back and they go down the tubes and that’s okay, a couple of them,” the president stated. “I’d never mention names, I don’t mention names. I’ve become much more diplomatic, see in the old days, a year ago, two years ago, I would’ve mentioned names. I don’t do that anymore.”

“Think of it, we need 100 percent and then the Vice President, Mike Pence, who is a great guy, has to vote and has to go and raise his hand and we win. But, you’re not going to have that vote most likely from your senator. But, it is one of those things we will get him in,” he continued.

The president was in Ohio to campaign on behalf of Troy Balderson. He is running against Democrat Danny O’Conner in a special election set for Tuesday. They are vying to fill the opening following Rep. Pat Tiberi’s retirement.