A CNN panel got very heated while discussing whether or not the FBI should reinvestigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday afternoon.
The panel consisted of CNN contributor Amanda Carpenter, A. Scott Bolden former D.C. Democratic Party Chairman, Josh Holmes, a Republican strategist and Kirsten Powers, a political analyst.
“So the FBI thing is a red herring and I’ll tell you why. On six different occasions, they have had a full background investigation of Brett Kavanaugh,” Holmes said. “And for the Democrats to assert that somehow there is now — a pattern of sexual abuse over a period of years, you would have to believe that the FBI is absolutely incompetent of doing their job on six different occasions.”
“They have done a background check on him. That didn’t come up. But they didn’t know the women. You have two women now who have come forward. And I think they’re credible, because they don’t say they have the dates, times and places, right?” Bolden chimed in. “There’s nothing — what — why wouldn’t the Republicans want an investigation?”
“There is a process — I can tell you the way this works. There is a process in place in the Senate to deal with this. It happens months before you get to a hearing. It’s called closed session. Something that Senator Feinstein skipped and didn’t tell anybody anything about,” Holmes added.
Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual misconduct by two different women in recent weeks and he is scheduled to address those allegations during a hearing on Thursday. (RELATED: A Second Woman: Kavanaugh Decries Last-Minute Smear As New Accuser Emerges)
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