Learn More About Your Cat With This Non-Invasive DNA Test Kit

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DNA tests to help one trace their roots have become quite the rage in recent years. So now that you’ve figured out where you come from, how about turning your attention to your pet? Basepaws Breed + Health DNA Test will give you the answers you’ve wondered about your cat.

This testing kit will help cat owners learn about their pet’s breed, health, traits, and habits. All you need to do is collect a DNA sample from the inside of kitty’s cheek, send it into the lab, and await the results.

Your report will be quite thorough, including a comparison of four main breed groups and 21 individual breeds, a chromosome map, wild cat index, 39 genetic markers associated with 17 diseases, and more. This information will help you give your cat better treatment by understanding them a little better.

Basepaws wants potential buyers to understand this is not a breed identifier or to be used to confirm a cat’s pedigree. It is simply a breed composition of your cat based on genomic similarities to specific breeds.

The genetic markers are particularly important, giving you reports on mutation, carrier status, and predisposition to 17 diseases. You’ll also get some health recommendations based on your cat’s test results.

The wild cat index will prove quite interesting, showing you how similar your cat’s genome is to a tiger, lion, cougar, cheetah, and other big cats.

This is a non-invasive treatment. You simply swab your cat’s cheek for five seconds, send the sample to the lab, and wait about a month for the results to come back. This is a must-have for anyone interested in their pet.

Users have found the information interesting and valuable, and the process simple. They have rated the DNA kit 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon.

This Basepaws Breed + Health DNA Test normally runs $149, but for a limited time, it can be yours for just $129.99, a savings of 12 percent.

Prices subject to change.


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