
Try To Watch This Reporter Go Down A Slide And Get Brutally Injured Without Wincing

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Spectrum SportsNet Dodgers reporter David Vassegh was badly injured Wednesday after his trip down Bernie the Brewers’ slide at American Family Field in Milwaukee went awry.

Dodgers broadcasters Joe Davis and Nomar Garciaparra played a video of  Vassegh’s ride, saying he had been pumped to go down the slide. The reporter was seen slipping down the slide screaming “holy crap” before ramming into a support wall and clutching his right side.

Video appears to show Vassegh’s right arm getting stuck underneath him as he hits the wall. Vassegh can be seen wincing in pain and rolling on the ground after the impact.

Davis and Garciaparra were in hysterics, with Davis prefacing that Vassegh is “OK.” Vassegh then appeared in the broadcast donning a cast and poking fun at his injury.

“Hi guys, I do my own stunts, Tom Cruise style,” Vassegh said, according to the New York Post.

Vassegh suffered “two fractures in his right hand/wrist and six fractured ribs,” Dodger Blue Managing Editor Matthew Moreno tweeted.

“Skinny fat body can’t handle it,” Vassegh reportedly said.

Dodgers catcher Austin Barnes said the team “all rallied” for Vassegh after the injury, according to the New York Post.

Vassegh went on to joke about his injury in a tweet, saying he tried to “@shaqtin and slide won.”