The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) discovered an “elaborate underground illicit drug lab” Wednesday on Hiawatha Street in Granada Hills, California, according to a member of the agency.
Activity at the home had seemed suspicious ever since the new owner bought the property, neighbors told ABC7. The LAPD allegedly identified a marijuana-growing operation when they first arrived at the house. The police then came back to the residence with a search warrant and subsequently discovered the lab, the outlet reported.
Police found ecstasy, hash oil, date-rape drugs, fentanyl and mushrooms at the site, according to ABC7. Photos of the scene show an opening in the floor with a ladder that leads down into the lab, CBS News reported. (RELATED: Two Men Caught With 150,000 Fentanyl Pills Set Free By California Officials: REPORT)
The LAPD proceeded to arrest a man and a woman believed to be connected to the operation, according to ABC7.
LAPD made a large drug bust in in Granada Hills when they located an underground drug lab. Two suspects were taken into custody around 11:00am; said to be a male and a female connected with the sale and , distribution of various drugs
Fentanyl and Methamphetamine were also found.— Traffic News Los Angeles (@TrafficNewsLA) December 22, 2022
”Here’s a new one for us! An elaborate underground illicit drug lab right here in Granada Hills. Ecstasy, Date Rape drugs, Hash Oil and Magic Mushrooms recovered,” LAPD Commanding Officer of the Gang and Narcotics Division Lillian Carranza said in a Tweet, along with photos of the site.
The Department of Justice assisted the LAPD in its initial discovery of the lab, as well as a number of other law enforcement groups, ABC7 reported.