
CNN Political Director Says Biden ‘Can’t Keep The Same Posture’ On Border Crisis

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Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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CNN’s political David Chalian said Thursday that President Joe Biden “can’t keep the same posture” on the border crisis if he wants to win re-election.

The Biden administration has cleared the way to construct more border wall in Texas amid a surge in illegal immigration. The Department of Homeland Security said in a filing, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States…”

Biden previously said, while campaigning for president, that he would not continue construction on the border wall that began under former President Donald Trump.

Chalian said a big concern about the migrant crisis is that it is “becoming normalized.”

“Clearly, Americans are not pleased with their Congress, with the direction of the country. And you guys just talked about border security there. You know, that is one of the issues that is the lowest performing issue for President Biden and he’s at pretty historic lows overall and border security is even beneath that for him,” Chalian said.

“So seeing this move is interesting, and specifically seeing these democratic mayors and governors in Illinois and New York starting to take on the White House, this is an issue you’ll recall immigration border security, it’s always been one with crossover appeal, beyond the Republican base, independents. There’s no doubt about that, but it has largely been a driving fire for the Republican base. Right? A real life force inside the Republican Party.”


“I think that is changing right now, and I think because of the influx of migrants to some of these bluer areas in cities in the country, the politics of this issue is changing and Joe Biden heading into a re-election year can’t keep the same posture he has had on this.” (RELATED: ‘Unprecedented Crisis’: Joe Scarborough Says Biden Is Not Doing Enough To Secure Border)

Democratic leaders nationwide have sounded the alarm over the migrant crisis, with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul calling in the National Guard to help the state’s rising migrant crisis. The National Guardsmen will focus on case management for Venezuelans who arrived prior to July 31 to apply for temporary work authorization.